Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Body Language and Gender Communications Essay - 732 Words

Body Language and Gender Communication in the Workplace Ella Sue Duty Everest University MAR 2305-Week 4 Professor Walker Body Language and Gender Communication in the Workplace Body Language Facial expressions, head movements, body posture and actions, clothing, mannerisms and personality behaviors are signs of body language. Positive body language in the workplace helps others to perceive you as honest and open to ideas. Usually in the first 30 seconds, most people have already formed an opinion of you. Gestures or movements of the head, hands, arms and legs can be used to specify certain messages that have linguistics translation. If you wave your hand rather than saying â€Å"hello,† or nod your head in agreement, which means†¦show more content†¦To overcome the communication and behavioral challenges that plague the workplace, (Kelly, 2010)says we need to go back and look at human evolution. Communities consisted of hunters (men) and gatherers (women). The hunters went out to hunt for food and the women stayed home to tend the family and make preparations for the food he would bring home. So scientists say, they had different roles and a s a result their brains developed in different ways. It is said that, due to sitting in a tree all day waiting on the prey, he had to be quite and disengaged. So his brain goes in and out of a rest state all day. And women on the other hand, had to be on high alert all day protecting her family. So her brain evolved to be always active. This is not saying that one gender is better than the other; it is merely an illustration of how the brains evolved. The reality is that we interact with each other in different ways on a daily basis (Lieberman, n.d.). Men and women both have different strengths and styles in the workplace. Here are some common ways the genders differ: Women tend to be relationship oriented and accomplish tasks by building relationships firsts, men are task oriented and go straight to the task. When women have to make a decision they will often process and look at options out loud, men tend to process internally until they reach a decision. Women express more emotio n in problem solving, make eye contact and use expressive facial movements. Men are analyticalShow MoreRelatedCommunication Theory Paper969 Words   |  4 PagesRunning head: COMMUNICATION THEORY PAPER 2 Communication Theory Paper Name University of Phoenix Communication Theory Paper 2 Communication is an important part and concern in many organizations. With many organizations having such a diverse workforce communicating has an impact on how well employees, patient and family members interact together. Many communication issues arise due to the fact that there are many employees from different cultures and different genders. 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